Company name / Store name
Company name not disclosed (please contact us)
This job is managed by a recruitment agency, A global harmony.
Working date
Application condition
初出勤 3ヶ月〜6ヶ月までは 時給 1100円
Japanese level
Advanced (Business Level ※N1) Native
Work location
Type of occupation
Travel and service
Company Features
Inexperienced OK No relocation
Shift system
Treatment · Benefits
Visa acquisition support Dormitory · Company owned Employee appointment available
Job introduction / message

•会場のセッティング など

Company profile
Company name not disclosed (please contact us)
This job is managed by a recruitment agency, A global harmony.
Recruitment for this recruitment is over.
JOB CODE - 13139
Employment form: Temporary staff gunma
Recruitment for this recruitment is over.